
Strong January performance for Spike Group!

The group ended the week up 1.11% and is up over 4% for the quarter. This is an impressive start to the year that continues to be choppy and difficult to navigate. Grant win Gold this week with an impressive 11.79% gain, Jeff gets Silver with an outstanding gain of 10.62% and Dave M wins Bronze with a gain of 5.5%.Spike Members Andreas W and Tim H win $20 dollar credits with gains of 13.70% and 10.93% respectively.Wednesday upside was never followed thru after the news of a "Bad Bank" to off load toxic assets hit the news wire and the new stimulus bill being passed in congress. None of these government engineered events have rallied the markets in any sustainable move upwards. The markets need willing buyers that will bid up for stocks. That is not occurring. Buyers are only at lower levels and then willing to take quick profits on the bounce.For many the news becomes just another comical show. We hear lots of talk about what should be done, yet when we see the plans, they are just more of the same ole stuff. I hate to get on my soap box, but the backbone of the American economy has and will always be small businesses. If you want to get this economy perking again, then give a shot of adrenalin to the life blood of this country. How about a real change and inject a trillion dollars to those that will do something with it. Can you imagine what may occur if savvy young entrepreneurs were injected with a trillion dollars? Now, they cannot just go out and do whatever they like...but if small business could invest this money into new business and technology I guarantee you would see an impact within 12 months, not decades. Disclaimer: I have been a small business owner since my early 20's and I am highly prejudice when it comes to small business.

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