
Back from the brink of a meltdown… Computer meltdown!

Dear Spiker's and Spike Members,Alex and Pat are getting ready to fly back to NYC this weekend. I have been re-cooperating from a recent double computer crash. Yes, two computers went on the blink in one week. During my re-install, I decided to clean house (hard drives) and re-organize. I am close to fully restored and back to some normalcy.The markets saw a long awaited bounce in this bear market. The market was again hugely oversold and saw levels not seen since the November lows. The financial sector saw gains of 30+%, a typical bear market move. The beaten down sectors rally the most. We will eventually need to see leadership for this rally to be more than just a bounce. Leadership will eventually been seen in NH_NL crossing the 0 and +100 levels and maintaining that level. We will also see a sector or two leading the way. It does not have to be the financials to lead us out of this mess, but they will have to stabilize and stop being decimated. Last week I listed several points we see in boom and bust cycles got thru. A couple of the items were...

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