
Tops take longer than bottoms

Pain and fear are the dominant mass emotions at market bottoms. Most people quickly withdraw from pain, which is why market bottoms tend to be sharp and not long-lasting. Greed is the dominant emotion at market tops – it is much more smudged and less defined emotion than fear, which is why tops typically take time to form. That process can take longer than expected, but eventually a rise in sales sends the market down, reducing bulls’ confidence.Well, let’s look at our charts…

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Spiker’s Gold, Members’ bonuses

Congratulations to Nick V in New York on his latest Gold, which lifted him into a Silver position for the current quarter. You’ll enjoy reading Nick’s logical write-up, with very clear charts.Half-way through the quarter, Igor D maintains his Gold spot; 11 out of 15 Spikers are positive.Controlling risk is essential for our survival and success. Spiker Steve S, a frequent winner of Golds, had an unlucky week, with the instrument he traded going against him over 10%. But because of his cautious trade sizing, he lost only 2% and his account remains positive for the quarter. If you are going to lose in a trade, that’s the way to do it.

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Reality bites

Hello SpikeTraders,Today’s post comes later than usual. Since it was supposed to be Kerry’s day, I sat outside without a phone, smoking a cigar and reading news from Ukraine. Coming back, I saw a msg from Kerry who was having a problem with his software.One of several advantages you get from having two guys run this service is that you never depend on a single person. Kerry and I always back each other up.And so, let’s look at our charts…

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Latest Gold; Members’ Bank Robbery awards in July

Congratulations to Spiker Igor D in Estonia on his latest Gold, which vaulted him into the lead of the Spiker group for the current quarter. I am always curious where and how people get their ideas which stocks to follow, and Igor offers a curious example. Notice that it wasn’t a hit-and-run trade; Igor kept trading his newly-found candidate for nearly two months and still holds a partial position.

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Gold // Trade management // Members’ achievements

Congratulations to Spiker Steve S on winning his latest weekly Gold. A quick look at the lists of winning Spikers and Members this weekend shows that even during a bullish week bears did very well. Gold and Bronze went to Spikers who traded short. Five out of 25 Members with Performance bonuses also traded short. Spiker David C earned 2+% trading long in ARKK, while Member Michael F (a repeat winner of Bank Robbery award) earned a Performance bonus with a 4+% gain shorting that same stock. I’ve often said before that trade management is more important than the trade you pick.

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