
Tuesday NHNL: “Tomorrow will be the key for the markets…”

Hello SpikeTraders,I borrowed this headline from last night’s NHNL text by Kerry. Today the market exploded in a rally: up 436 points for the Dow, 138 for the Nasdaq, 103 for the S&P.Reminder: the rest of this evening and maybe early tomorrow morning is the last time you can view our latest Password class for free (the recording is in the Video Vault, on the Education tab).Well, let’s turn to our charts…

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Spike Bounce signal is on again

Hello SpikeTraders,The recording of our latest Password class is being processed. We expect to have it ready this week and will send out an announcement.Kerry and I carefully study the market, share our findings with you, and conclude with clearly stated views, without double-talk, which is so common in this industry.On Wednesday, I wrote in my NHNL post: “The bullish correction rally that began in mid-June is hanging on by skin of its teeth. Too early to panic.” On Thursday Kerry posted NHNL: “The Spike Signal remains with a bullish divergence… Despite the negative news, this market must prove it can rally soon.”Let’s see what our charts tell us today…

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Spike Bounce holds on

Hello SpikeTraders,First of all, a reminder – tomorrow, Thursday, at 6 pm EDT, Kerry will teach a Password class, showing recent trades, illustrating his methods. All yearly and monthly Members are welcome to the live event, and a few days later its recording will be put into our Video Vault, free access for all, including Trial Members for one week ( we will announce it ). Be sure to click today the link that was sent to you, don’t wait until the last minute. We’re always happy to help, but a few minutes prior to the class all of us focus on it and cannot manage login problems. So do it now.Well, let’s take a look at today’s charts…

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First Gold by a new Spiker, Members’ achievements

When a new member of the British Parliament gives his first speech, they call it ‘a maiden speech.’ Perhaps we could call this post “A maiden Gold.” David C., a professional money manager in Canada, was promoted to a Spiker in 2021. He was our Silver equity winner in Q1-2022, flat in Q2-2022, and now in the Silver position for the current quarter with his first weekly Gold.

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