
Weekly Gold & Members’ results

Hello SpikeTraders,First of all, a reminder for our worldwide participants: Monday, May 30, all US markets will be closed for Memorial Day, a national holiday. We’ll have a four-day trading week.Good advice is hard to give but even harder to accept. For the past two weeks Kerry and I have been posting comments on Spike (the strongest buy signal in technical analysis) and Spike Bounce signals. Steve S, a Spiker in New York, was among those who took advantage of that. He had already won many Golds trading Spike Bounces, and now did even better with a combination of Spike + Spike Bounce signals. Congratulations!

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We have a Spike

Hello SpikeTraders,First of all, thanks to two friends in SpikeTrade, who during the past week alerted me to two scammers – one on Twitter, another on Instagram. The crooks pretended to be me, copying some of my photos and linking my good name to their cryptocurrency scams. I had earned my reputation by decades of honest work and felt bitter about that crookedness. Both Twitter and Instagram pleasantly surprised me by the speed with which they took down scammers. Thanks to both friends who not only alerted me but also filed their own complaints against scammers.Well, let’s turn to our charts…

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Spike Bounce triggers, Spike signal in development

Hello SpikeTraders,The standard language of advisory business is Double-talk: “This could happen or that could happen, unless some unforeseen events intervene.” Lots of vague verbiage, and then whatever happens, the writer can claim he was right. That is the language that neither Kerry nor I have ever used. We tell you straight what we see and think, and we put an archive link at the bottom of every page that lets you see everything we wrote in the past – from the first day of our service until this day.We live in eventful times. Let’s see what our charts tell us today…

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Week’s results; picks & trade management

Congratulations to Robert James B, our Spiker in Australia, on winning our latest weekly Gold. Trading from Down Under has an additional challenge because of a difficult time difference. The US market opens at 23:30 pm in Sydney and closes at 6 am. Trading US markets from there requires well thought-out plans and limit orders, without watching a live screen.

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The worse it gets – the better the promise

Hello SpikeTraders,Just like a pretty crazy top in December 2021 created excellent shorting opportunities, the current crazy bottom being traced will create excellent buying opportunities. The challenge is to approach this bottom with cash in hand and a stable mental attitude. Both require an ability to cash out and/or take losses as soon as prices begin to slide. If you haven’t done it this year, chalk it up to experience and use it as an unforgettable lesson for the rest of your trading life. Extract this value from the current nastiness. “The first loss is the best loss.” Let’s take a look at our charts…

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