
Having a plan but not following it – Long DBRG by Nikolas D

Whenever a Spiker loses more than 7% of their account in a week, they have to write a Lessons Learned report. Here, Nikolas D describes his misstep…Recently I changed my entry technique from the % average overlap which is a bit lazy and sometimes caused big drawdowns before moving into gains territory.I decided to wait for the first 30 minutes and buy if that bar is in my favor or a neutral blue. A stop-loss at a distance of 0.75 ATR is usually adequate after such entry. I even pinned a note to my screen “DO NOT RUSH TO ENTER 09.30-10.00.” I used that plan a week ago, and it worked.Any plan can sometimes miss an entry if the stock moves fast in your favor and of course sometimes a stop-loss can be triggered. But that reduces drawdowns and makes me feel more comfortable.

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A better broker than TradeStation?

I am an EU resident, trading in US markets. I’ve been using TradeStation for my analytics and trades for the past nine years but became frustrated by their restrictive approach.First, they wouldn’t let me short volatility ETFs – first VXX and now VIXY. I recently applied for writing naked puts and calls – and they didn’t approve me, despite my good history for many years.All of that frustrates me and makes me want to find another broker. I wonder if any Members, especially EU residents, can suggest a good US broker with better facilities for shorting, VIXY included, and where I can get approved for naked writing of American options.I will highly appreciate your comments and advice,Maria L

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