
Semiconductor stocks

[ I saw Spiker Igor D last week at our SpikeTrade meeting & dinner in Tallinn (see photo). In my presentation I mentioned that since the modern world runs on computer chips, there is a stock I’m waiting to buy for the long run after I recognize a bear market bottom (not a correction bottom). It is ASML – the world’s leading company for making machines that make computer chips. The firm is Dutch but listed in the US.Igor commented that he was following that industry and had several additional suggestions, some of which we reviewed on the spot. I invited him to write up his research. He wrote a very serious report which you can read below. — Alex ]

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Learning to trade for a living

A Member in Maryland writes:I’m in my early twenties with the goal of one day trading for a living. I worked on that goal for a few years but haven’t accomplished it yet. I’d like to hear from those who trade as a primary source of income (not as a supplementary income, an extra retirement fund or a hobby).What ups and downs did the process contain for you as you climbed from the beginner level to professional? What is your weekly schedule like now that you trade for a career? How many hours a week do you spend trading and researching? Do you only swing trade or do you day trade as well? Any advice you can give to a young guy like me?Thanks,Pax A.

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Word frequency confirms Spike Signals

This is the latest post in a seriesMember Nijay S. writes:I compiled the word frequency data in a weekly timeframe for the terms “bear market” and “bull market” in online media. I plotted these on a chart using weekly frequency of “bull market” minus the weekly frequency of “bull market” as the data point – and compared it to the NHNL data.

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Google word search confirms Spike signals at major bottoms

[ This is the second post by our Member Nijay S on this topic. His first was here: https://www.spiketrade.com/members/topic-day/?id=6519. Nijay tells us that more is to come – AE ]SpikeTrade Member Nijay S writes:“I charted the frequency index for the words "bear market" in Google’s database from 2010 to 2022. I plan to keep researching this area and will be happy to post my findings through the blog.

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Message for Members coming to Alex’ class in Tallinn

I very much look forward to attending Alex’s course in Tallinn at the end of the month. Sadly I won’t be able to make the Sunday night Spike Member meal due to work commitments on Monday/Tuesday. I thought I would see if there were anyone else travelling to the course who would be interested in meeting up for a bite to eat/few drinks on either evening of the 25th/26th or perhaps during the daytime on 26th. I’m still a relative newbie having only been a member for around 1.5 years. Feel free to get in touch on my email for anyone interested, rjmorrison@hotmail.co.uk.Regards,RussellAberdeen, UK

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