
Index Put Call ratio

Most of the morning, the Index Put Call ratio, has remained above 1 until the last hour. We can see the rally is beginning to consolidate and rest. We’ll see if this rally can hold its daily gains, something that has not been doable in the last 2 months. Due to the unusual volume in financial stocks, this may be leading to an irregular reading on call buying. Many traders are scooping up calls as a lottery ticket on the financials, especially with a meeting in the Government to address mark to market. This alone is causing us to see reading below 1 more often than normal, especially with a market selloff like we have seen in the past several weeks.

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Index Put Call ratio

Unbelievable!! The Index P/C ratio has stayed below 1 almost all day. As you can see no intraday bounce has lasted more than a couple of minutes. As I type the ratio is .97 and only has bounced above 1, one time today. This occurred at 11am NY time just as we got the largest bounce of the day. That bounced produced a P/C ratio below 1 again and we dropped to new lows.

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Index Put Call Ratio

Unlike Thursday when the market attempted to bounce intraday the Index Put Call Ratio was .76, this led to the rally being short lived and we experienced more downside pressure.This morning as the selling continues the Index Put Call Ratio is sitting near 1.5. If we see a intraday rally, we will want to keep a check on the Put Call numbers. If it were to drop below 1 the rally will likely not last. We need to see this Put Call remain high and any rallies not be embraced from the outset to have any sustainably for more than a day.I will try and post these numbers if I see significant changes.

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