
Market internals for day-trading

A Member in Italy writes:I’d like to know what market internals you prefer for day trading.I use NHNL index for the short/intermediate trading, but I’m quite confused about intraday.I usually take into consideration other international indexes that open before the US Market and US futures to have a broad idea of what can I expect for that day.Do you use any specific indicators to move your bias toward bulls rather than bears?Thank you and best wishesAlessio

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Moving from stocks to forex

Member Lee M in Australia writes: “Due to my timing-zone differences with the US, I’m learning to trade foreign currencies instead of US stocks. Starting with my dollars AUD/USD. I wonder whether the techniques and indicators here in SpikeTrade are applicable to this type of trading? I bought all the Password classes and went through most of them.If possible, could other members chip in to help me learn more about this? And to do it in profitable ways?"

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Squeeze scan

Member Michael V in New York writes:“I am enjoying everything I’ve been learning in SpikeTrade. I recently purchased Kerry’s Password classes about Scanning and the Squeeze play strategy. I’ve been trying to emulate his suggestions in the Tradestation scanner as well as in StockCharts. I am a total newbie to coding and to trading, but I wanted to share the scan I created with you with hopes that you can help me refine it. I think the results are pretty close to what Kerry described. What do you think?Shown below is a text file with the StockCharts scan code that I wrote. Thanks! -Mike

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How safe is my brokerage account?

Member Nadezda Z writes:I have a question I have hesitated to ask since February 22. And today, Alex’s comment on risk motivated me to do it. So, here is the question: if we are all slowly approaching the `crash/crisis 2008 year,` how TradeStation will survive or, more precisely, how money in trading accounts is protected from any TradeStation risk exposure. If anyone has any thoughts or expertise, please share.Cheers from Princeton, NJ

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A better broker than TradeStation?

I am an EU resident, trading in US markets. I’ve been using TradeStation for my analytics and trades for the past nine years but became frustrated by their restrictive approach.First, they wouldn’t let me short volatility ETFs – first VXX and now VIXY. I recently applied for writing naked puts and calls – and they didn’t approve me, despite my good history for many years.All of that frustrates me and makes me want to find another broker. I wonder if any Members, especially EU residents, can suggest a good US broker with better facilities for shorting, VIXY included, and where I can get approved for naked writing of American options.I will highly appreciate your comments and advice,Maria L

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