
Fixing the Real Economy – by Kerry

For many, the news becomes just another comedy show. There is a lot of talk about what should be done, yet when we see the plans, they are just more of the ‘same ole stuff’ – handing out billions of dollars to the Establishment corporations.

I hate to get on my soap box, but the backbone of the American economy has been and always will be small business. If you want to get this economy perking up, then give a shot of adrenalin to the core group of this country. How about a real change – give a trillion dollars to those who will do something with it. Can you imagine what would occur if savvy young entrepreneurs were funded? If small business could invest this money in new business and technology I guarantee you would see an impact within 12 months, not decades.

Disclaimer: I have been a small business owner since my early 20’s and I am highly prejudiced when it comes to small business.

… AND A COMMENT by a Spiker Deb W:

Your comments regarding small business strike me as very astute. I’ve been ranting to anyone who would listen since the details of the stimulus package were released that all spending does not stimulate economic activity. If job creation is the solution then small business is the answer as these nimble operators quickly respond to new business opportunities with new hiring.

Trouble is our legislators don’t have any direct incentive to do what works, since they get paid whether they’re successful or not, unlike those of us who get paid when our solutions work.

Now I’ll just turn off the news, turn on my charts and get back to what works in my world


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