
A Pullback or a Major Trend Change? What’s Ahead?

“This comes from Stephen M, a very active SpikeTrader whose performance won him an award for Q2-2009” – Alex

Charles Biderman, CEO of TrimTabs was interviewed by Bloomberg on Aug. 28, 2009. Here’s what he had to say, “Investors who think the U.S. economy is recovering are going to get a big shock this fall,” said Biderman. “Companies and corporate insiders are signaling that the economy is in much worse shape than conventional wisdom believes.” His company, TrimTabs has reported that the actions of U.S. public companies have been bearish. In the past four months, companies have been net sellers of a record $105.2 billion in shares.He also said, “The best-informed market participants are sending a clear signal that the party on Wall Street is going to end soon. When corporate insiders are bailing, the shorts are covering and investors are borrowing to buy, it generally pays to be a seller rather than a buyer of stock.”

Now 5 days later, we have witnessed a 4 day selloff, a sharp surge in the VIX and a tripling of the volume as the SPDR GOLD TRUST has gapped and ran. This move is occurring despite a lack of significant selling of the dollar.Gee, I wonder where all of that big “insider money” is going? What do they know that we don’t? Will there be a replay of last Fall? Is a major bank in trouble? FAZ anyone? How bout some GLD?

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