
Market Bottom – solid fundamental long recommendations by: David C


I thought I would start up a blog to solicit trading ideas on the LONG side once the market correction is over. I know there is some disagreement about whether this is just a correction in a new bull market from March 2009 or whether it’s just the next leg down in a bear market with the prior one year rally just a technical rally within a bear. But regardless of which it is, at some point, near or far, the bull will return and when it does – where to invest?

My idea is to solicit LONG trading ideas based primarily on valuation and fundamentals not technically. Meaning, you have a stock that is fundamentally strong, undervalued, but may not technically be in position for a LONG purchase – yet. Well, what are they? One of the great things about Spiketrade is the vast industry experience of the group.

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