
Our latest Password class on Cap-NHNL – free access even for Trial Members

Our Password course consists of intensive sessions, at approximately one-month intervals, focusing on key trading techniques. Each session lasts about an hour, including a carefully prepared presentation and Q&A. Alex and Kerry take turns teaching Password classes for Members. Our latest class was taught by Kerry – details below.

Now until February 8, 2021 you can view this recording and its PDF (price $50) free with a Trial membership (www.spiketrade.com). Once you are in – click on the Video Vault (on the Education tab) and open the Password folder.

***** Capitalization-based NH-NL *****

Taught by Dr Alexander Elder

This is one of the latest tools in SpikeTrade.  We’ve always used the New High – New Low Index to track the leaders in strength or weakness.  Adding capitalization to NH-NL reveals the flow of big money.

In this class we review the construction of Cap-NHNL and its main signals, such as extremes and divergences.  Its daily data is free, but historical data not available.  We’ve been collecting it manually for over two years – enough to begin drawing some useful conclusions.

As always, the recording of this class includes a PDF of the presentation.

MEMBERS (including Trials) RECEIVE FREE ACCESS to this recording until December 23.

To start your Trial please click HERE.


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