
An unsolicited letter from a recent Member

SpikeTrade is a Member-oriented website. We receive many comments from Members, but this one really hit the chords…

Dear Dr. Elder, how are you doing?

T___ here. Back in September 2020, I was so desperate about my trading performance: losing money daily in a sky-rocking bull market. It seems like the market is working against me in every trade I place. I reached out to all books I can find. Most programs disappointed me and ripped me off. I was sure I would never get ahead in trading until I found your book “The New Trading For A Living”. I dived into it. Then I bought the workbook. Everything makes sense! 

Still timid from the long stream of losing trades, I think I need a mentor. Not sure whether I can get help, I called your office.  Tkey guided to contact the front desk and they had me connected with Gianluca. 

What a milestone! I am so glad I made that call. Gianluca is such a terrific coach! He teaches me how to read charts correctly, how to analyze MACD, Keltner channels, force index etc. and how to set up the scanner. In merely 5 sessions, he helps me build a complete system. After a few hiccups, I see a winning streak I never saw before. I couldn’t believe it! Re-gaining confidence is way more important than a few winning trades. I owe all this to my dear mentor. Gianluca is such a wonderful one!

I know I am well on my way to become a successful trader. Gianluca is my mentor for life. I also want to thank you for providing such a platform that a newbie like me can get onto the right track. I look forward to meeting you and my dear mentor once we get through the pandemic.

Thank you again and enjoy your time.

Best regards


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