
Continuing a new feature for ex-Members and Guests

To show you what you’re missing, we decided to begin this series of occasional posts – once in a while showing you exactly what Members are seeing.To see the latest post you need to LOG IN with your email and old password. IF you forgot your password, click on the HELP button on the front page to see how to get a new oneEnjoy – and we look forward to welcoming you in SpikeTradeAlex & Kerry

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Energy Rally – by Spiker Grant C

Trading in technology and healthcare has been a struggle. Even the fintech stocks have been shedding dollars. While this tech misery has been building, energy, especially the oil patch, has come alive, starting a massive rally. The fundamentals are simple. The world is slowly recovering from the pandemic, the world’s population is growing, lagging nations are developing, OPEC+ nations need more oil for their citizens, and consumer electronics are predicted to double by 2030. The real elephant in the room is that the U.S. is about to throw a trillion dollars into an infrastructure rebuild. Rebuilding the nation’s highways and bridges is going to take a lot of energy. It’s the perfect dynamic for energy—fossil and non-fossil—and it should be a long ride.Fossil fuel—oil and gas—are in early-stage bull runs. Crude is about $80/bbl, OPEC and Russia won’t expand production much, and winter is coming. A strong case can be made that the old 2014 highs of $140/bbl will be taken out. Maybe not immediately, but in a couple of years.

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