
White House issues a bailout plan for the Big Three

Alex and Pat is in the Caribbean enduring some pain and suffering. I just spoke to Alex not long ago about some new featurs in the future for the spike group. He sounded in need of a cigar and a glass of wine. I have high suspicion he was partaking in his medication. As for me I intend to take an easy evening of sipping some scotch and watching a movie, a night of just resting the mind and enjoying a quiet evening. The weather here has been nothing but rain and dense cloudy skies. A movie night in the media room sipping a nice scotch seems to be in order.The Big three gets a bail out, or do they? We will see if this occurs or some adjustments to this plan will occur after the new administration comes in. The Auto Unions are calling for a reversal of the plan. The action was choppy as usual for options expiration as the completion of the last FULL trading week of the year come to an end. Next week will be a short trading week as the holidays approach, volume will begin to dry up. We will see if we a continuation of the Santa rally.The group ended the week positive as Ross wins Gold, Susie wins Silver and Peter takes the Bronze.Spike Members, Dennis M, Henry A, Hsin Y, and Rod S wins $20 dollar credits. Congrats to all this weeks winners.I look forward to seeing each ones new pick for next week and look forward to writing SpikeSpeak this weekend.

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